COMPOSER - コンポーザー

Music for film

Production Music
I compose production music for several international companies. My work has been featured in dozens of shows and films around the world. Below are just a few of the shows my music has been used in.

Cinematic, epic, hybrid, trailer

Fantasy warcraft, cyberpunk, tech metal

Ben Tinker is a film composer, producer, and guitarist from Sydney, Australia. His music covers a diverse range of genres and styles, uniquely bridging the gap between director’s vision and the audience's experience. He has written and produced music for directors, artists, and production music companies from around the world.
Writing original music for film, television, and movie trailers, Ben is passionate about crafting music that helps creators succeed at bringing their vision to life.
Ben studied classical guitar under the guidance of Raffaele Agostino (Sydney Conservatorium).
Member of:


Narrative drama, orchestral, classical

Commercial, advertising, fun, happy

Alternative, ambient, experimental